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Our Point of View

Inspiration is Everywhere


About Us

Journalist Kristin Pineda Svenske and photographer David Pineda Svenske are a great team both in life and work. While travelling the world is certainly both a pleasure and a privilege, it is also what we do for a living. Together, we hike, drive, bike, paddle, fly and swim to find the most captivating, moving and important stories to translate into word and photo. For you. 


When we travel, we try to live in every place, not just go. In Pamplona, we will run with the bulls. In northernmost Sweden, we will hike up a mountain at -30 degrees at midnight for the Aurora Borealis. In Angkor, we will bike through the monsoon to reach the Gates of Heaven. We will hike down to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon and up to Angel's Landing in Zion National Park, and in Yellowstone ... let's just say, we will carry bear spray.


The experiences we are rewarded with are fermented in our personal brewery of words and photos, which eventually end up blended as media features in magazines. Our inspiration and greatest aim is to invite you not just read about, but to sense and feel the world, the same way we did. 


We always find a way. Our way. 



Meet The Team

A few of our Clients

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